The Committee praised our professionalism, choice in partnerships and artistic quality, which it described as ‘very high’:
“With an exciting and adventurous selection of architecture films that are always provided with an in-depth context, the festival is a benchmark for similar festivals abroad. The thematic connection to pressing issues regarding urban planning, climate adaptation and urban renewal, makes the programming urgent and socially relevant.”
In addition, last Friday we also received good news that our partners AIR, IABR, Independent School for the City, LantarenVenster, Nieuwe Instituut and OMI Rotterdam all got a positive advice from the Committee.
Looking ahead to the coming period, AFFR would like to emphasise the importance of all collaborating architecture organisations for Rotterdam Architectuurstad, and the value of architecture culture. We therefore encourage the Municipality of Rotterdam to make clear and sharp choices when definitively establishing the Cultuurplan.